Alloy Type: HARDFACING Core, Bare, and Coated Electrodes
HardCover 420 (HC420) is a high chromium
cast iron for hardsurfacing components subject
to extremely severe abrasive wear and moderate
impact. The weld deposit contains a high
proportion of hard primary chromium carbides
in a tough austenitic matrix. HC420 is
used for hardfacing components undergoing
wear by earth, sand and abrasives.
Typical Applications
• Gyratory crusher cones and mantles
• Catalyst pipes and valves
• Slurry pipes and valve bodies
• Dredge pump bodies
• Sand dredge parts
• Extruder screws
• Mining and earth moving equipment
AWS Classification
Welding Current
Typical wire chemistry
(as welded)
C 5
Mn 1.5
Si 1.5
Cr 27
Typical Mechanical Properties
(As Welded)
Hardness on 3 layers, Rc 60 – 62
Welding Positions
Available Diameters and suggested
Operating Range in Amps
.045″ 100 – 300
1/16″ 150 – 350
3/32″ 250 – 400
1/8″ 250 – 500