
Product Catalog


Alloy Type:

ERNiFe-CI (aka ERNI55) is a filler metal used for TIG and MIG welding of cast iron.  It is also used to repair castings.  The weld metal of ERNI55 is harder than that of ERNI99.  A preheat and interpass temperature of 350 deg F minimum is recommended during welding, without which the weld and heat affected zones may develop cracks.

AWS Class: ERNiFe-CI

Alloy:  ERNiFe-CI




Tensile Strength, ksi: 89
Yield Strength, ksi: 62
Elongation %, min: 35

Typical Wire Chemistry  (single values are maximum)

Cu Mn Si Fe Ni  C  S  Other
2.50 2.50 4.00 REM 45.00-60.00 2.00 0.03 1.00

Available Diameters MIG and suggested Operating Range in Amps

.035″  160-180

.045″  180-220

1/16″  210-250

Available Diameters TIG and suggested Operating Range in Amps

.035″  160-180

.045  180-220

1/16″  210-250

Recommended Shielding Gas

75% Argon + 25% Helium


50% Argon + 50% Helium

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