Product Catalog

ERNi-Cl (Nickel 99)

Alloy Type:

ERNi-CI Nickel alloy 99 is used for TIG and MIG welding of cast iron.  This wire is extensively used to repair gray iron castings.  It can also be used for overlay and build-up applications.  Dilution from the casting influences the mechanical properties of the metal.  Due to the high nickel content, the welds are readily machinable.  A preheat is recommended during welding.


AWS Class: ERNi-CI Certification:        AWS A5.15/A5.15-90 (R2006)
Alloy:  ERNi-CI ASME SFA A5.15


Welding Position:    F, V, OH, H Current:



Tensile Strength, kpsi: 66
Yield Strength, kpsi: 36
Elongation in 2”%: 40



Typical Wire Chemistry as per AWS A5.15 (single values are maximum)

C Mn Si S Fe Ni+ incidental Cobalt Cu + incidental Silver Other
1.0 2.5 0.75 0.03 4.0 90 min 4.0 1.0



Typical Welding Parameters
Diameter Process Volt Amps Shielding Gas
in (mm)
 1/16  (1.6) GTAW 14-18 90-130 100% Argon
 3/32  (2.4) GTAW 15-20 120-175 100% Argon
 1/8  (3.2) GTAW 15-20 150-220 100% Argon
 .035  (.9) GTAW 12-15 60-90 100% Argon
 .045  (1.14) GTAW 13-16 80-110 100% Argon
 .035  (.9) GMAW 26-29 160-210 75% Argon/25 Helium
 .045  (1.14) GMAW 28-32 180-250 75% Argon/25 Helium
 .063  (1.6) GMAW 29-33 200-280 75% Argon/25 Helium


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