
Product Catalog


Alloy Type:

ER4043 is a general purpose type aluminum welding wire.  It is one of the oldest and most widely used welding and brazing alloys.  This aluminum alloy contains silicon additives, which result in improved fluidity (wetting action) of the weld pool and also produces a weld less sensitive to cracking.  Its bright weld finish makes it a popular choice of welders.  ER4043 can be used to weld various grades of aluminum.


Typical Applications:  welding filler wire; spray and flame metalizing wire


AWS Class: ER4043 Certification:  AWS A5.10/ A5.10M:1999
Alloy:  ER4043 AWS/ASME SFA A5.10


Welding Position:

F, V, OH, H





Typical Properties (as welded)

Conductivity: 42% IACS (-12)
Tensile Strength, kpsi: 29
Color: Gray




Melting Point  1170⁰F Solidification 1065⁰F Density 0.097 lbs/cu In.

Typical Wire Chemistry as per AWS A5.10 (single values are maximum)

Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Zn Ti Other Al
4.5-6.0 0.8 0.30 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.15 Remainder
Typical Welding Parameters
Diameter Process Volt  


in (mm)
.030  (.8) GMAW 15-24 60-175 Argon (cfh)
.035  (.9) GMAW 15-27 70-185 Argon (cfh)
3/64” (1.2 ) GMAW 20-29 125-260 Argon (cfh)
1/16” (1.6) GMAW 24-30 170-300 Argon (cfh)
3/32” (2.4) GMAW 26-31 275-400 Argon (cfh)
Diameter Process Volt  


in (mm)
 1/16”  (1.6) GTAW 15 60-80 Argon (cfh)
 3/32”  (2.4) GTAW 15 125-160 Argon (cfh)
 1/8”  (3.2) GTAW 15 190-220 Argon (cfh)
5/32”  (4.0 ) GTAW 15 200-300 Argon (cfh)
3/16” (4.8) GTAW 15-20 330-380 Argon (cfh)

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