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Alloy Type:

ER320LR has a composition similar to type 320, except that carbon, silicon, phosphorus and sulfur levels are kept at lower levels as well as the columbium and manganese being specified at a narrower range.  The low melting residuals are limited in this alloy to reduce the possibility of microfissuring.


Typical Applications:    used for welding type 320 stainless steels


AWS Class: ER320LR Certification: AWS A5.9/A5.9M:2006
Alloy:  ER320LR AWS/ASME SFA A5.9


Welding Position:  F, V, OH, H Current:




Tensile Strength, ksi: 86*
Yield Strength, ksi: 58*
Elongation %: 35*


*AWS Requirement, Not Specified

Typical Wire Chemistry as per AWS A5.9 (single values are maximum)

C Cr Ni Mo Mn Si P S Nb Cu

8XC min/0.40 max

0.025 19.0-21.0 32.0-36.0 2.0-3.0 1.5-2.0 0.15 0.015 0.02 3.0-4.0 0.75


Typical Welding Parameters
Diameter Process Volt Amps Shielding Gas
in (mm)
 .035  (0.9) GMAW  22-23 180-210 Spray transfer 98% Argon/2% Oxygen
 .045  (1.2) GMAW  23-25 195-260  Spray transfer 98% Argon/2% Oxygen
 1/16  (1.6) GMAW  25-28 260-390  Spray transfer 98% Argon/2% Oxygen
 .035  (0.9) GMAW  19-23 55-170  Short Circuiting Transfer 90% Helium/  7 ½% Argon / 2 ½% CO2
 .045  (1.2) GMAW  19-23 100-185 Short Circuiting Transfer 90% Helium/  7 ½% Argon / 2 ½% CO2
 1/16  (1.6) GTAW  14-18 90-130  100% Argon
 3/32  (2.4) GTAW  15-20 120-175  100% Argon
 1/8  (3.2) GTAW  15-20 150-220  100% Argon

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