
Product Catalog


Alloy Type:

ER1100 is highly resistant to chemical attack and weathering.  It is a relatively soft alloy that is very formable and is used extensively in thin gauge and foil products.  It has good wetting characteristics and it is also used as a filler alloy for welding purposes.  A desirable characteristic of the alloy is the bright finishes obtained by anodizing.


Typical Applications:  heat exchanges; food handling equipment; rivets; tie wire; metalizing


AWS Class: ER1100 Certification:  AWS A5.10/ A5.10M:1999
Alloy:  ER1100 AWS/ASME SFA A5.10


Welding Position:

F, V, OH, H





Typical Properties (as welded)

Conductivity: 59% IACS (-12)
Tensile Strength, kpsi: 13
Color: Gray




Melting Point  1215⁰F Solidification 1090⁰F Density 0.098 lbs/cu In.

Typical Wire Chemistry as per AWS A5.10 (single values are maximum)

Si + Fe Cu Mn Zn Other Al
0.95 0.05-0.20 0.05 0.10 0.15 99.0 min
Typical Welding Parameters
Diameter Process Volt  


in (mm)
.030  (.8) GMAW 15-24 60-175 Argon (cfh)
.035  (.9) GMAW 15-27 70-185 Argon (cfh)
3/64” (1.2 ) GMAW 20-29 125-260 Argon (cfh)
1/16” (1.6) GMAW 24-30 170-300 Argon (cfh)
3/32” (2.4) GMAW 26-31 275-400 Argon (cfh)
Diameter Process Volt  


in (mm)
 1/16”  (1.6) GTAW 15 60-80 Argon (cfh)
 3/32”  (2.4) GTAW 15 125-160 Argon (cfh)
 1/8”  (3.2) GTAW 15 190-220 Argon (cfh)
5/32”  (4.0 ) GTAW 15 200-300 Argon (cfh)
3/16” (4.8) GTAW 15-20 330-380 Argon (cfh)


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