Product Catalog

ENICrMo-3 (Alloy 112)

Alloy Type:

ENiCrMo-3 type 112 is an electrode which is used to weld nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloys.  Its applications include dissimilar joints between nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloys to either stainless steels, carbon or low alloy steels.  It is also used extensively in overlay cladding where similar chemical composition is required on the clad side.  This alloy is suitable for applications where the temperature ranges from cryogenic up to 1800⁰F.


AWS Class: ENiCrMo-3 Certification:  AWS A5.11/A5.11M:2010
Alloy:  ENiCrMo-3 ASME SFA A5.11


Welding Position:   F, V, OH, H Current:



Tensile Strength, kpsi: 114 min
Yield Strength, kpsi: *NS
Elongation in 2”%: 34 min


*Not Specified


Typical Wire Chemistry as per AWS A5.11 (single values are maximum)

C Mn Fe P S Si Cu Ni Cr Nb+Ta Mo Other
0.10 1.0 7.0 0.03 0.02 0.75 0.50 55.0 min 20.0-23.0 3.15-4.15 8.0-10.0 0.50


Typical Welding Parameters
Diameter Process Volt Amps (flat) Amps (V/OH)
in (mm)
 3/32  (2.4) SMAW  24-28 70-85  65-75
 1/8  (3.2) SMAW  26-30 85-110  80-90
 5/32  (4.0) SMAW  28-32 110-140  100-120
 3/16  (4.8) SMAW  28-32 120-160  110-130


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