Product Catalog

ENICrFe-2 (Alloy A)

Alloy Type:

ENiCrFe-2  Alloy A electrodes are used for the welding of nickel-chromium-iron alloys to themselves as well as for dissimilar welding between various nickel alloys and carbon or stainless steels.  There is a large range of applications from cryogenic temperatures up to 1500⁰F.  These electrodes can also be used for overlay cladding where similar alloy is needed.



AWS Class: ENiCrFe-2 Certification:  AWS A5.11/A5.11M:2010
Alloy:  ENiCrFe-2 ASME SFA A5.11


Welding Position:     F, V, OH, H Current:



Tensile Strength, kpsi: 80 min
Yield Strength, kpsi: *NS
Elongation %: 30 min

*Not Specified


Typical Wire Chemistry as per AWS A5.11 (single values are maximum)

C Mn Fe P S Si Cu Ni Cr Nb+Ta Mo Other
0.10 1.0-3.5 12.0 0.03 0.02 0.75 0.50 62.0 13.0-17.0 0.5-3.0 0.5-2.5 0.50


Typical Welding Parameters
Diameter Process Volt Amps (flat) Amps (V/OH)
in (mm)
 3/32  (2.4) SMAW  24-28 70-85  65-75
 1/8  (3.2) SMAW  26-30 85-110  80-90
 5/32  (4.0) SMAW  28-32 110-140  100-120
 3/16  (4.8) SMAW  28-32 120-160  110-130


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