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Alloy Type: >

E6012 is a general purpose electrode that offers excellent bridging characteristics, especially for applications with poor fit-up.  It has good, stable arc and operates at high currents with low spatter.  Extremely versatile, E6012 can be used with both AC and DC power.


Typical Applications:  farm implements, general repair, machinery fabrication, metal furniture, ornamental iron, sheet metal, tanks


AWS Class: E6012 Certification: AWS A5.1/A5.1M:2004
Alloy:  E6012 ASME SFA A5.1


Welding Position: F, V, OH, H Current:



Tensile Strength, kpsi: 60 min
Yield Strength, kpsi: 48 min
Elongation in 2” (%): 17 min



Typical Wire Chemistry as per AWS A5.1 (single values are maximum)

C Mn Si P S Ni Cr Mo V Combined Limit for Mn+Ni+Cr+Mo+V
0.20 1.20 1.00 *NS *NS 0.30 0.20 0.30 0.08 *NS

*Not Specified


Typical Welding Parameters
Diameter Process Volt Amps 
in (mm)
 3/32  (2.4) SMAW 19-25 35-85
 1/8  (3.2) SMAW 20-24  80-140
 5/32  (4.0) SMAW 19-23  110-190
 3/16  (4.8) SMAW 18-21  140-240
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